Monday, April 2, 2012

What's up with iPhone culture?

I'm in the unenviable position of being 22 months into a 24 month cell contract.  My phone is OLD.  A two-year-old car is considered a good value.  A two-year-old phone is an antique.  As such, I face the scorn, scrutiny and thinly-veiled judgment of the cellphone technorati every time I pull my geriatric cellphone from my pocket.  People ask if my phone has apps.  Yep.  But not from Bank of America or Citibank or Chase.  You see, I bought a non-Android, non-iPhone smartphone.  Or as I like to call it, a dumbphone.  My phone's operating system is called Symbian.  It turns out that I've purchased the cellphone equivalent of a Betamax VCR.  Yeah, I have apps to download.  Except it is nothing you've ever heard of.  Angry Birds?  Nope.  I have something that looks like Centipede but is called Snakes.  I am a cellular Luddite.  I've only seen one other person with my phone, and I'm pretty sure he was a Mennonite. 

The other day I asked an iPhone user how they liked their phone. I was told "I don't know how I survived without it!"  Really?  I like Playstation, Blu-rays and microwaves but I managed to survive before they came along and will continue to do so once they're obsolete.

What is it about iPhone culture?  These people defend Steve Jobs like he was their dear old dad.  I remember when the counter-culture yupsters were the only people who liked Apple.  Now if you're not on an iPhone you're somehow missing the boat. "Hey, let's FaceTime...oh, you're not one of us."

With two months left on my contract, will I eventually succumb to the iCrack?


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